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Unlocking AI Potential: Modernizing Air Particle Counter Workflows for the Future

The buzz around AI and its potential to drive business growth is everywhere.

However, the real challenge for many organizations lies in lacking the foundational systems and processes needed to harness its power.

This issue is especially pronounced in the pharmaceutical industry, where outdated pen-and-paper workflows significantly slow the integration of data into digital systems.

As a result, valuable data remains inaccessible to AI, limiting its transformative potential. 

These pen and paper processes include things like lab technicians still entering clean rooms to manually run air particle samples...

Collecting paper print out results….

Hand copying those results and inputting them into a database…

Only to have another technician double check that the entry is correct as a part of the second person review process.

So how can you modernize your data solutions, ensure 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, and prepare for an AI system tailored to your operations?

The answer is Digital Air. 

Our one a kind solution allows manufacturing operations to digitize their data related to air particle counters by:

  • Completely Automating Data Collection taking all of the human error out of the process 

  • Enabling Remote Sampling so your lab techs no longer have to enter clean rooms and potentially bring contaminants in with them

  • And most importantly keeping you 100% 21 CFR Part 11 complaint and avoiding any costly FDA audit while eliminating outdated pen and paper processes. 

It works even for our customers with the strictest regulation and compliance measures. 

This includes one of the five largest pharmaceutical companies globally. 

It is the perfect bridge between old pen and paper processes and actually being able to leverage AI when the time comes. 

With how fast it has been moving over the past two years, it’s probably going to come a lot faster than anyone expects. 

And it works regardless of the brand of air particle counter you have. 

Because we know that many large manufacturers are just relying on one brand or model of air particle counter… 

They have hundreds if not thousands of instruments — and every operation has a different mix of hardware, so we don’t limit you to just one manufacturer.

It works if you have a mix of Climet and Met One air particle counters… 

Or if you rely solely on Lighthouse units and have a bunch of different makes and models from them. 

Not only is Digital Air going to put manufacturing operations on track to leverage AI…

Its processes also create the opportunity for cost savings in three important ways…

  • Reducing the amount of lab techs needed to maintain and operate air particle counters 

  • Eliminating 60% of failure reports by eliminating human error out of multiple steps of the QA process

  • And by decreasing the occurrence and cost of FDA audits by allowing you to effortlessly comply with regulations like 21 CFR Part 11, EU Annex 11, and ISO 14644-1.



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