Verify, Verify, Verify: Why Regulation and Digitization Make IoT’s Perfect Match
Regulation defines many of our world’s most critical industries. Modern healthcare, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and energy all rely on strict compliance reporting to maintain certifications and safety standards.
To state the obvious - what could be more important in the era of COVID?
What I’ve learned in my first 90 days is how important it is to minimize human errors that create bad data, which can halt production or leads to lost product batches. This creates a daily challenge to provide crucial services while meeting stringent regulatory requirements.
Every production facility in the pharmaceutical industry requires consistent sampling data and a workforce to pull it off. But at the moment, generating the scientific data required to meet regulatory standards is a largely un-digitized process that demands significant human effort.
At Phizzle, we work with companies that support large QA departments who spend significant lab technician hours manually operating scientific devices for testing environmental conditions in a manufacturing facility. I’ve also learned that manual record keeping remains commonplace in most of these environments - even for this mission-critical compliance data. Workers are often moving around push-carts daily to sample each part of a production site.
Customers tell me this manual process is more than costly, it is a human-error prone workflow for regulated manufacturers that must meet their safety standards.
It is through all this listening that our team innovated a way to digitize the devices used to generate compliance data, standardizing and stream-lining the regulatory collection process. Doing so turns an expensive regulatory workflow into a remotely controlled, automated system.
Phizzle’s software allows lab technicians to run compliance checks from a laptop. Results are reported instantly and live-action can be taken by operators after viewing individual results. Sampling can be stopped, checked, and an issue diagnosed before the problem affects other factors in production. Most importantly, digitization means that the human error element in reporting is greatly reduced. In this instance IoT technology allows for the standardization of testing — and this consistency is the most important part of verifying consistent and auditable records.
Until now, most manufacturing use cases for IoT focused on machine data. But mission-critical scientific data and IoT make a perfect fit between technology and mission; as the first solution to remotely operate multi-vendor scientific devices, Phizzle’s solution allows workers to focus on their core goals: discovery and production, not operating testing devices.
To learn more about this solution, please visit our Products and Services page or reach out directly to